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Thursday, December 5, 2013

5th December #Mainframedebate transcript

#MainframeDebate Twitter Chat
December 5, 2013

Q1: How is #zEnterprise helping orgs cope w/ IT compliance + regulation work? @DerekBrittonUK  #MainframeDebate (from @DerekBrittonUK)

A1: #zEnterprise is staying up to date w/ all the #compliance and #regulatory trends cross-industry.  #MainframeDebate 

Q2: How does #zEnterprise support clients looking to improve their end-user #efficiency? #MainframeDebate  (from @DerekBrittonUK)

A2: Many organisations using #Mobile & #Systemz to drive end-user productivity plus drive new revenue  #MainframeDebate 

Q3: How is IBM celebrating the upcoming 50th anniversary of the #mainframe? how can we get involved? #MainframeDebate (from @jcanglin)

A3: Tons in plan to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the #mainframe next year! Stay tuned for more... We will be partying! #MainframeDebate

Q4: Whats the max amount storage an IBM #Mainframe can use? #MainframeDebate (from @DavidLoams20)

A4: Max memory (RAM) is 3TB per machine, but w/ clustering, this is 64x3 = 192 Tb #MainframeDebate 

Q5: I read many retailers powered their #CyberMonday transactions via the mighty #mainframe, is that true? Any details? #MainframeDebate (from @SystemsandTech)

A5: Yes, that's true. 23 of the top 25 retailers run on IBM System z  #MainframeDebate 
A5 cont: And don't forget all of those credit card companies & banks processing your #CyberMonday purchases! #MainframeDebate

Q6: How does #zEnterprise help organizations manage accelerating changes and demands within their market? #MainframeDebate (from @alexabrutledge) 

A6: As organizations rely more on data-driven decisions, many are turning to #zEnterprise. IDC paper  #MainframeDebate
A6 cont: IBM is seeing a shift in the market & continues to advance #zEnterprise ahead of the curve   #MainframeDebate

Q7: What exciting developments can we expect from Mainframes and the systems around it? #MainframeDebate (from @hattie_lister)

A7: Several billion $ investment in #zEnterprise hybrid, there's plenty more coming in 2014 and beyond; Watch this space…#MainframeDebate

Q8: Curious who is using Flash Express did it help you deal with spikes like Cyber Monday or market open? #MainframeDebate (from @samknutson)

A8: Over 200 systems have installed Flash Express -- mostly banking and financial institutions #MainframeDebate 

Next #MainframeDebate is scheduled for January 30, 2014 at 11am ET.